Israel Ranked Best Middle Eastern Country to Live in as a Woman

March 13, 2014
by Shiryn Ghermezian

Israel was the ranked the best country in which to live as a woman in the Middle East and North Africa region, according to a 2013 report cited by  The Huffington Poston Thursday.

Each year since 2006, the World Economic Forum has released its annual  Global Gender Gap Report examining efforts to close the gap in four categories: economic participation and opportunity, educational attainment, health and survival and political Empowerment.

While ranked first for its region, the Jewish state came in 53rd  in the overall Gap Report  for 2013, moving up three spots from its 2012 ranking.

Iceland took the top spot for the fifth year and Colombia was the biggest riser, moving up 28 places to rank 35th.

Out of the 110 countries that have been included every year, 95 have shown improvement over the last four years,  The Huffington Post  noted. Women are getting more opportunities than ever for economic participation, gaining greater access to education and are living longer and healthier lives. They are also playing a much larger role in the political decision making process, according to the report.

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