We should expect such treachery from politicians, but nor from Jewish Mission Organizations

We Should Expect Such Treachery From Politicians, But Not From Jewish Mission Organizations

By James Jacob Prasch

I personally was not surprised when this anti Zionist left wing politician supported Stephen Sizer. I fervently remain utterly disgusted however that Richard Harvey, Susan Perlman, and Jews For Jesus did their back slapping photo op visits to Sizer’s pulpit as his Messianic Jewish stooges so he could tell the church “see – I am not so bad despite my links to Christian persecuting & Jew murdering Islamic terrorists, holocaust deniers, anti Semitic conspiracy theorists re. 9/11 etc. because ‘Jews For Jesus’ likes me”.

I hope Sizer at least paid his shameless patsy Jews For Jesus stooges a generous honorarium for their PR services when they ignored the official position they once published by Moishe Rosen in their newsletter calling ‘anti Zionism the mere current expression of anti Semitism’ and pandered to Stephen Sizer to the public assassination of their testimony for Yeshua to the Jewish community. Politicians are, by definition, hypocrites. So are Richard Harvey, Susan Perlman, and Jews For Jesus. The Jewish community, the rabbinic establishment, and Jewish community media outlets all propagate the idea that Jewish believers in Jesus as Messiah have joined the ranks of historical “Christian” Jew hatred and anti Semitism as a tactic to discourage Jewish consideration of the claims of Jesus. By virtue of their sickening actions Jews for Jesus are out to prove them right

‘Jews for Jesus’ are no longer “for Jesus”.  Jews for Jesus are for themselves. They are plainly and primarily about theocratic politics and fundraising – not about the cause of the Gospel to lost Jewish souls because they have categorically proven themselves to be quite willing to sacrifice their testimony to the Jewish people for the sake of such church politics and fund raising. I hope the theocratic socializing and honorariums are worth it. Having assassinated their own witness for Yeshua to the Jewish community they are no longer witnesses to the Jews but demonstrable, and some would say, paid suckers for Stephen Sizer.

Citing a recent article concerning the correspondence to a true Christian Zionist who both stands with Israel and with the cause of Israel’s salvation; a brother of the kind castigated by Sizer and Jeremy Corbyn. Cast your minds back a few years, and you’ll remember that the Church of England decided to investigate Stephen Sizer, after he had:

  • Commended a call for the Jews to “get the Hell out of Palestine
  • Suggestedthat the Jews were behind 9/11
  • Cited Holocaust denier Dale Crowley
  • CitedHolocaust denier Michael Hoffman
  • Cited9/11 “truther” Michael Collins defending Holocaust denier Dale Crowley
  • Travelled to Iran as a guestof the Iranian regime, having been invited by the same man who previously invited Robert Faurisson on an expenses-paid tour
  • Spoke at an IHRC conference aiming towards “a new liberation theology on Palestine” – alongside Rima Fakhry of Hezbollah and terror advocate Achmad Cassiem
  • Shared a platformwith Holocaust denier Fred Tobin
  • Supported the IHH flotilla
  • Proposed a boycott of Greeceafter they blocked another Gaza flotilla
  • Hosted a speakerat his church who thinks suicide bombers are martyrs
  • Agreed that Hamas had every rightto “hit back” against the West
  • Linkedto antisemitic website The Ugly Truth
  • Joined with with Sheikh Nabil Kaouk, commander of Hezbollah’s armed forces in Southern Lebanon
  • Joined with with the Blood Libel Sheikh, Raed Salah, whom Jeremy Corbyn brought into Parliament
  • Joined  with the granddaughter of Ayatollah Khomeini, Zahra Mostafavi
  • Toured Malaysiaspeaking about Palestine , following an invite from a Holocaust denier
  • Posted a linkto Veterans Today, which dismisses the Holocaust as an “Israeli psy-ops operation”, denies the gas chambers, defends Hitler, sneers at “the Jewish crooks on Wall Street”, publishes pieces by Gilad Atzmon, and says of the Jews, “they should wholly be burnt in ovens”.
  • Posted a blog link to the Palestine Telegraph, which supported the writingsof ex-KKK leader David Duke.

Here was Corbyn’s spirited defense of Stephen Sizer, in a letter to Sizer’s bishop back in 2012

Dear Right Reverend Christopher Hill

I am sorry to hear that problems have arisen, for Reverend Stephen Sizer, at least in part due to a technical oversight in terms of computer links, though I understand that the problem has now been rectified. I hope it was no more complicated than that.

Reverend Stephen Sizer seems to have come under attack by certain individuals intent on discrediting the excellent work that Stephen does in highlighting the injustices of the Palestinian Israeli situation, in particular by his very thorough analysis of “Christian Zionism”. Might I suggest that such criticism is part of a wider pattern of demonising those who dare to stand up and speak out against Zionism, a philosophy that precludes the existence of the state of Palestine?

Your own expertise, wisdom and experience will, I am sure, allow you to appreciate just how much distance exists between anti Semitism, anti Zionism, and anti Israeli government actions for that matter. Overzealous critics find it convenient to conflate them all. Active and well informed individuals such as Reverend Stephen Sizer, withstand a considerable amount of inappropriate criticism. Indeed many MPs and Peers are also attacked.

The internet is a complicated piece of technology and with the best will in the world, imperfect links are made and one would have to spend 8 hours a day “surfing” the net just to be 100% certain one’s views to not become contaminated in any way at all. Even then, connections can inadvertently be made.

I do hope you’ll take the above into consideration when meeting with Reverend Stephen Sizer today, for I do admire the excellent work that he does and personally, I would give no credence at all to any claims that he is anti-Semitic.

With kind regards

Jeremy Corbyn MP
Islington North


Draw your own conclusions.


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