Moriel & Jacob Prasch request prayer for the referendum to alter the Irish 8th Amendment to legalise the non-therapeutic abortion of unborn babies to be rejected.

The moral landslide in Ireland in recent years has reached once unbelievable levels with an openly homosexual activist Prime Minister , Ireland being the first EU nation to
legalise same-sex marriage, and now a drive to use non-therapeutic abortion as a form of birth control. The widespread pedophilia and child abuse perpetrated by Roman Catholic 
clergy in Ireland and cover up conspiracies protecting child molesting and abusing priests and nuns by the church hierarchy at the expense of not protecting Ireland’s children has

left Ireland with no moral standards or voice that anyone can trust or respect. The true Body of Christ is still very small in Ireland as a percentage of the population with doctrinal error 
often imported into Ireland from apostate nominal Evangelical churches & denominations in the UK & USA. Satan has capitaised on this moral vacuum with an avalanche of new laws courtesy of godless politicians as corrupt and hypocritical as the Roman Catholic clergy. Cults, New Age, and Islam are all growing in Ireland yet there is a spiritual hunger among many of Ireland’s young people disillusioned with both organised religion (Catholic & Protestant alike) and government. The often struggling  scriptural fellowships of Ireland need our prayer as do those who preach the true Jesus and The Gospel of salvation. Abortion on demand would once have been nearly unthinkable in Ireland. Now suich abortion  is on the verge of becoming the next nail in Ireland’s spiritual coffin. We earnestly urge prayer that The Almighty would stop this bid to exterminate the unborn in Ireland and that He would raise His Hand against the  promulgators of this blood-fest slaughter of the most innocent of Ireland’s innocent. 

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