Is Jacob Prasch Really Under Investigation?

“…the time is coming that whoever kills you will think that he offers God service.” (John 16:2)

In the fall of 2018 David Nathan was dismissed from Moriel Ministries due to heretical teachings that included the affirmation that the blood of animals would atone for sin in the millennium apart from the blood of Christ and that believers can prescriptively anoint clothing with divine power for healing, going so far as to cite examples of people being “slain in the spirit” as a result of touching his jacket and tie quite as a matter of fact. He is on record as saying there will come a time when, “…the blood of Jesus Christ will not profit anyone anything.” There is no possible reality in which this statement is true. It is a demonstrable heresy that denies the gospel and every book of the bible in some way. In the wake of his dismissal, many were confused and upset. One such individual was Graham Baldwin who claims to have began independently “watching” the situation as he is supposedly a cult “expert”. Baldwin has produced a 3-part yellow journalism entry that sounds about as personal as any attack could. This so-called cult “expert” claims that Jacob Prasch is under investigation, but is he really?


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