New “Jacob Prasch” Channel on YouTube

Moriel Ministries has initiated the Jacob Prasch Channel on YouTube. While we appreciate those who have previously posted Jacob’s sermons in their own channels or under their own accounts (and would encourage you to continue to do so), it is important for those familiar with Moriel Ministries to understand what we are specifically attempting to do in this particular instance.

We are specifically making an effort to reach the unsaved, particularly that demographic which is most attracted to YouTube. Most of us old timers find it surprising to learn that the U.S. 18-35 year-old population spends more time on YouTube than all other media outlets combined, even television. I have seen this in my own household where a couple of twenty-somethings spend hours on any given day on their laptops with YouTube, even while sitting in front of the television.

For this particular segment of the unsaved population, we do not believe they will appreciate having to try and watch each of 15 parts of a sermon or something which requires more than an hour’s worth of attention. ,  By definition, what appeals to them are short videos that are self-contained. So what we are specifically trying to do is excerpt short clips (less than 10 minutes max) which in and of themselves address a whole topic. We hope you will understand that this particular endeavor is intended as an outreach to the unsaved and that you will link unsaved friends and family to these video clips as appropriate.

Finally, for those of you who have already come across the channel, please be assured that Jacob is not ignoring your YouTube requests to be “friends” or to in turn subscribe to your own channels. Jacob is not actually running the channel as it is being handled by ministry volunteers. Don’t take it personally that we are ignoring all such requests; we are merely trying to upload relevant content from Jacob’s sermons. If you’re even vaguely aware of Jacob’s globe-trotting speaking schedule, you know he couldn’t possibly have time to undertake something like this personally.

Please pray that we can contextualize the Gospel in a manner that will reach a generation whose culture and worldview is different from our own.

In Him,

Moriel Ministries

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