Fraud, Embezzlement, Illegal Tax Free Benefits By The Executives of Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship John Arnott and Steve Long

Federal tax law prohibits religious leaders, as the heads of tax-exempt nonprofit institutions, from earning “unreasonable compensation.” It also prohibits tax-exempt organizations from providing “substantial benefit” to individuals ” “ Kent Garber ‚  

Canada has strong hate laws! And TACF words and lawsuit against Walter Kambulow and his family is a hate crime.

Aird & Berlis did their Client Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship, ‚   John Arnott and Steve Long a disservice by trying to bury ‚   their ” financial and hate crimes”  and by trying to destroy Mr. Kambulow, the whistleblower, using the court system instead of telling their client to come clean!

To Whom It May Concern,

Further to my letter of July 03, 2008 to the Crown Attorney for the Province of Ontario on the subject “Criminal Activities of Howard Winkler and Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship”  I would like to bring to your attention for the immediate investigation of financial crimes and hate crimes by the executives of Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship John Arnott and Steve Long.

We have here obvious Fraud, Embezzlement, Illegal Tax Free Benefits by ‚   the Executives of a religious nonprofit charity incorporated under federal statue ‚   using their nonprofit charity and pay off their own mortgage tax free and buy corvettes and charge anything they want to their charity?

This is obviously a criminal activity because Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship is a religious nonprofit a corporation with ‚   John Arnott as the President and Steve Long as Vice President and as such cannot raise money for each other! But they have provided “substantial benefit”  to themselves which is illegal and against the law and here it the proof in Steve Long letter posted at : and included below.

And then these executives of ‚   Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship, John Arnott and Steve Long, have been using their “Bay Street”  solicitors, who are charged directly to their nonprofit corporation, to harass a Canadian citizen, Walter Kambulow, Engineer, with ‚   an illegal $ 50 million lawsuit, contempt motions and ‚   threats and character assassination without every intending to go to trial just to shut up the Whistleblower?

Since ‚   Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship ‚   is a Federal religious nonprofit religious charity ‚   and its financial and hate crime ‚   as detailed by Mr. Kambulow brief ‚   submitted to the Superior Court of Ontario in Brampton/Peel ‚   (See files on web and Liars and Perjurers in Revival ‚ ) it along with its executives must be investigated by the Federal Crown Attorney and it’s nonprofit charter removed by the Government of Canada!

It is a fact that Mr.. Kambulow has on numerous occasions through various means has brought to the attention of the Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship and it’s Solicitors Aird & Berlis that Canada has strong hate laws and that “hate crimes and public remarks about a private individual Walter Kambulow”  ‚   such as the one made on April 25, 2008 by the Vice President/Senior Pastor of Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship, Steve Long, are criminal:

Walter is as bad as they come

He has been disciplined by several churches in his past for rebelllion and blames every and all churches he has every been a part of.

The way that he slanders his wife in public is horendous.

and if he had been a part of our church, which he wasn’t; I wold be all over for him for slander. ;

He is not a part of our chrch so we are not responding to him-

And Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship, John Arnott and Steve Long have refused till this day to take back their hateful words or substantiate them and must be also charged with a hate crimes ‚   under the hate crime code of Canada. ‚   It is also a fact that their $ 50 million lawsuit against Walter Kambulow and his family is a hate crime.

So I request that you and your colleagues take my complaints about Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship, John Arnott and Steve Long seriously and investigate them immediately for their real financial and hate crimes for the good of all Canadians as we cannot have this kind of crimes and lawlessness go unchallenged and unabated?


Walter Kambulow

Cc ‚   The Honourable Robert Nicholson,Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada ‚   Fax (613) 954-0811
Minister of Finance: Hon. James Michael ‚   FLAHERTY Fax ‚   613 992-8356The Honourable Gordon O’Connor Minister of National Revenue Fax ‚   613 952-6608
Mr. William V. Baker Commissioner ‚   ‚   Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) 613 ‚  952-6608
Canada Revenue Agency ‚   905-984-4829
Crown Attorney Provincial Fax ‚   905-456-4780
News Media

Help A Pastor Pay His Mortgage!

Federal tax law prohibits religious leaders, as the heads of tax-exempt nonprofit institutions, from earning “unreasonable compensation.” It also prohibits tax-exempt organizations from providing “substantial benefit” to individuals ” “ Kent Garber

Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship is a religious nonprofit a corporation with ‚   John Arnott as the President and Steve Long as Vice President and as such cannot raise money for each other! But they have provided “substantial benefit”  to themselves which is illegal and against the law and here it the proof in Steve Long letter posted at :

#187934 Help a Pastor Pay His Mortgage!

I received this letter a few years ago, and for some odd reason, namely fair use, I decided not to make this public. Then, a few days ago, I figured “why not” and have decided to share this wonderful little letter with you. Isn’t it great that you can help someone pay his $100,000 mortgage for being such a Godly man!

Dear friend,

Let me share with you a great opportunity to honour someone!

I am writing on behalf of Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship to let you know our Senior Pastor, John Arnott is about to have a birthday. Not only is he having a birthday, but this next one is when he turns 65! John’s birthday is on Christmas day, December 25th, 2005.

Earlier this year, some of the guys in John’s cell met to talk about how to honour John on this special day. We had some ideas. We thought of sending John and Carol on a trip. No, they already travel too much. We thought of buying John a corvette as he often talks of owning a sports car.

Well, being a married man, I have learned that the safest thing to do is talk to a woman. So I talked to Carol and told her that we wanted to honour John in some way. Carol thought the idea was great and she began to probe as to what John would like to do next year id he had any extra money..

At almost every discussion she had, John stated that he would love to pay off their house mortgage and be personally debt free. For those of you who don’t attend TACF, let me tell you a little tradition that John began 5 years ago.

My wife Sandra had a dream many years ago about us getting a house. In the Toronto area, like in other cities, if you don’t have two incomes, you usually can’t afford a house. We made the choice for Sandra to stay home while our children were small, meaning that we rented a house. One day the Lord spoke to us about our home and said that if we were to give away towards someone else’s home that He would give us one.

We were already in debt on our credit card and this was really a step of faith. We borrowed $1,000 and asked God to bless our gift a with a 100% increase. The very night we gave away the seed, John Arnott had a dream about helping us buy a house! Several weeks later, John took a second offering for us at TACF to help us buy a home.

There was no notice given ahead of time and it was a holiday weekend. Our church family enthusiastically responded and gave us $102,000 and the keys to a car! Amazing!

Well, since then we have taken second offerings about once a year for our pastors who don’t have a house. We have been able to bless John and Patricia Bootsma (now pastoring John and Carol’s first congregation in Stratford ON), Darrin and Daphne Clarke (our children’s pastors), Will and Madeline Walker (they headed up our Prayer and Care department) and Stuart and Lynley Allan (operations and prophetic).

So, to say happy birthday to John, Carol is suggesting that we also help them to pay off their home. They have a little over $100,000 left on their mortgage and we would love to surprise John on Christmas Sunday by burning their mortgage. If there is more money than we need, we can also get him the car!

Included in this letter is an envelope for you to send a birthday gift to John and Carol. Please make cheque payable to “Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship”. If you live in Canada or America, we are able to provide a tax receipt for you. If you want your gift to be tax free to John, please specify that you do not require a tax receipt for your gift.

Ideally, we are looking to have all the gifts returned to us by December 15th so that we can head tot he bank with Carol to pay off the mortgage.

There are two other things I’d like you to join with us on. The first is that we are putting together a massive birthday card for John. We would love to include your greeting to John. We are asking that you send a note, no longer than 50 words, to my e-mail address at If you don’t have e-mail, you are welcome to include a note with your gift.

The second item that we’d like you to include is a photograph of yourself so that John is able to identify you. Many of you he knows by name, but there are far more of you who know him. If you can add the photo to the email, that would be ideal, otherwise it can also be included in the envelope.

Would you join us at TACF in honoring John Arnott? John for many of you has become a spiritual father, He and Carol has blessed you through their conference ministry, itinerant travel and television ministry. Many of you have had John and Carol pray for you and impart our Father’s blessings.

I am looking forward to a very busy December as our team put together this birthday card! I look forward to hearing from you and receiving your photo, your greeting and your gift towards paying off John’s mortgage! Remember this is a surprise so no talking to John!

Bless you and thank you for letting me share on behalf of the congregation at Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship.

Steve Long
Senior Associate Pastor. (TACF)

You may shred at will!

Letter submitted to the Superior Court of Ontario

July 2, 2008

Ontario Superior Court of Justice
70 Wellington St.
Brantford, Ontario
N3T 2L9

Re Kambulow ‚   vs Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship et al. v Court File DC-08-033-00

A liar, perjurer and scoundrel such as Howard Winkler is not qualified to represent proven liars, thieves an perjurers such as Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship, John Arnott and Stephen Long or maybe he is?

Attention: ‚  Presiding Justice for July 16, 2008 Return of Motion


You Honor

Mr. Kambulow, the Plaintiff, requests that Howard Winkler, Senior Solicitor, representing Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship, John Arnott, and Steve Long, be immediately removed by the Court from any lawsuit involving Walter Kambulow, for being a liar and a perjurer as demonstrated by his words before Justice Mossip on June 6,2008 in regard to Kambulow vs TACF.

Mr. Kambulow wrote to the Prime Minster of Canada the Honorable Stephen Harper of April 22, 2008, as well as the Government of Canada and the news media, and stated:

Mr. Kambulow would be more than pleased to give concrete examples of all this to the Superior Court of Ontario of their lawlessness and lies including the fact that on January 15, 2008 TACF’s Solicitor Pamela Miehls promised Justice Clark to give Mr. Kambulow within ten days a statement of defense as ordered by Justice Clarke in regard to Kambulow v Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship et al

Page 24

THE COURT: ‚   ‚   ‚   ‚   ‚   ‚   ‚   ‚   ‚   So you’re going to do your Statement of Defence, you’re going to serve him by email, ” ¦

MS. MIEHLS: ‚   ‚   ‚   ‚   ‚   ‚   ‚   ‚   Correct.

Page 27

THE COURT: ‚   ‚   ‚   ‚   ‚   ‚   ‚   ‚   ‚   Transferring to Toronto ” ” okay, thank you – and consolidating. Okay, I’ve got it. I’m going to make that order.

Now, with regard to the Statement of Defence to be served and filed by email, as agreed, within ten days of today’s order?

MS. MIEHLS: ‚   ‚   ‚   ‚   ‚   ‚   ‚   ‚   That’s fine, Your Honour.

And later TACF’s Solicitor, Howard Winkler, a litigation specialist, lied and told the Superior Court Justice Mossip on June 6,2008 ‚   that TACF, John Arnott and Stephen Long ‚   never promised to serve and file by email ‚   a Statement of Defense ‚   to Walter Kambulow as ordered by Justice Clarke on January 15, 2008. Amazing how Mr. Winkler could lie so freely in court?

It also appears to the Plaintiff, Mr. Kambulow, that Howard Winkler is the Architect of a $ 50 million dollar lawsuit against the Plaintiff that is based on proven lies and perjury! The attached “Factum of the Plaintiff”  dated July 4, 2008 ‚   has evidence to lies, perjury, thievery and criminal activities of the Plaintiff’s including financial and hate!

In their lawsuit filed in the Superior Court of Ontario in Toronto, Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship et al. v Kambulow Court File 07-CV-342052PD3 ‚   the Plaintiffs stated THAT TACF AND IT’S PASTORS

have suffered and will continue to suffer damages, their character and reputation, personally and in the way of their profession, office or calling, have wrongly been brought into public disrepute, their public and general reputation has been and will continue to be seriously damaged, and they have been subjected to embarrassment, ridicule and contempt.

have had and will continue to have a detrimental effect on the ability of TACF to continue to serve its members and on the ability of Amott and Long to continue to perform their work as pastors

Mr. Kambulow wrote on June 25, 2008 TO THE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA Prime Minister Stephen Harper and the news media on the subject: How can proven ‚   thieves, liars, perjurers, backstabbers, cowards and Pastors of ‚   Canadian nonprofit charity ‚   Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship sue anybody or talk about the law or justice? and pointed out:

THE LIE AND PERJURY HERE IS THAT Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship and it’s Pastors John Arnott and Steve Long have not suffered and continued to suffer damages, their character and reputation, personally and in the way of their profession, office or calling, have wrongly been brought into public disrepute, their public and general reputation has been and will continue to be seriously damaged, and they have been subjected to embarrassment, ridicule and contempt AND COULD NOT AND WOULD NOT GIVE THE COURT ANY PROOF THAT THEIR STATEMENT OF CLAIM AS TRUE.

THE LIE AND PERJURY HERE IS THAT the emails and words of Walter Kambulow about Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship and it’s Pastors John Arnott and Steve Long have had no detrimental effect on the ability of TACF to continue to serve its members and on the ability of Amott and Long to continue to perform their work as pastors AND COULD NOT AND WOULD NOT GIVE THE COURT ANY PROOF THAT THEIR STATEMENT OF CLAIM AS TRUE.

Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship ‚   John Arnott and Steve Long ‚   deliberately and willful gave false, misleading, or incomplete testimony under oath to the court to try and silence and destroy Walter Kambulow because he was telling the world that TACF corporation was John Arnott’s cash cow to support his lavish lifestyle.


They are not men of God, men of integrity but liars, thieves and perjurers who used and use their personal family owned and run Pentecostal charity to pay off their own mortgages and buy themselves new cars ” “ see

The attached “Factum of the Plaintiff”  dated July 4, 2008 also discusses the TACF DIRTY TRICKS AND LIES IN COURT TRIAGES AND MOTIONS that were done by Howard Winkler on behalf of Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship, John Arnott and Stephen Long.

Mr. Kambulow also wrote on June 25, 2008 TO THE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA Prime Minister Stephen Harper and the news media on the subject: ‚   Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship, John Arnott, Steve Long and their supporters continue to believe in and practice lying and lawlessness which pointed out Howard Winkler’s lie and perjury amongst other things!

Hence Howard Winkler proven lying words and unscrupulous deeds disqualify him from this court case or any other case involving Mr. Kambulow as it is obvious he has no morals or qualm about doing negative things to achieve a desired end! And we cannot have this kind of thing in Ontario Superior Court of Justice otherwise the Justice tacitly by doing nothing approve lawlessness, injustice and immorality?

As a result, Mr. Kambulow requests Mr. Howard Winkler be immediately disbarred from the Court by your Honor for this motion or any other matter concerning Mr. Walter Kambulow as we cannot have in Canada Solicitors taking their liberty to openly lie to Superior Court Justices just to win their case and ignore seeing true justice come about!

Walter Kambulow
Burlington, Ontario

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