URGENT PRAYER REQUEST – Jan Markel – July 2019

Moriel & Jacob Prasch, as a matter of some urgency, request prayer for Jan Markel who is facing a serious health crises of an undisclosed nature at the current moment.
However  pronounced our differences theologically and otherwise with her , Jan Markel is a believer and has shared and continues to share certain common ground with us on a range of doctrinal issues including those in certain areas of discernment. Despite the things we have absolutely decried, we do not ignore her stands in other  specific areas where her position is congruous with and echoing if our own. We pray that The Lord of grace will intervene on her behalf of Jan Markel, give her physicians wisdom, and grant her His peace in this ordeal.
The Lord allows these health adversities in our lives (including the life of Jacob Prasch) for a greater purpose that we may only comprehend in retrospect.  As we all quote from the Epistle to the Romans Chapter 8 : “All things work together for the better for those who love God and are called according to His purpose.”
Please Lord, according to your will, be with our sister in faith  Jan Markel  for healing, for ultimate good, and for your Glory in this difficult situation. Please also sustain her in spirit and provide her board with whatever they may require to correctly manage any matters that may emerge as a result of this present unfortunate state of affairs. We Pray this In Jesus’ Name. 
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