Moriel South Africa Missions Jan 12, 2013

Dear friends and Family

Greetings in Jesus.
Its been a great week and so much being done to get the place up to scratch.
First of all the water situation was sorted out with the purchase of a 5000 liter tank and delivery of 5000 liter’s of clean water.
Secondly we were able to hire an earth mover and today (Friday began clearing the site for building.
It has been a wonderful week of people giving sacrificially. I have an estimated budget of $40,000 to raise to complete the work. We will build with quality reclaimed materials to cut cost and also use a steel framed shell to take the load bearing as this seems cost affective. Praise god with a couple of days of praying 50% of the budget came in for which we are truly thankful. We are looking forward to see how the Lord brings in the rest and we are confident in Him the all sufficient one.
DSCF4097Jacobs visit, still going ahead. Jacob will arrive in Cape town 9th February were we will have a dedication service on Sunday 10th on the new Mount of Olives sight around 11am.
Then the 11th we fly off to Uganda on mission before returning on the 15th. Jacob will fly into Joberg and do two days of teaching on the 16th and 17th. Venue to be anounced
Venues are sketchy at the moment, hope to have it by the end of next week. However Cape town will be at the Athlone Gospel hall on the 21st (Thursday) 7:30pm, please contact Dennis for further details, 021 712 3311
In Jesus

Dave and Lyn

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