Blessings, an organization calling itself ‘CATALYST’ has posted a video clip produced apparently by STUDIO SCOTLAND (makers of the documentary ‘The Daniel Project’ featuring Jacob Prasch and its sequel  that was commercially sold to Hollywood and communist China ‘The Daniel Connection’ ) alleging that Moriel and Jacob Prasch are “under investigation”. 
We can absolutely confirm that neither Moriel or Jacob Prasch are under any investigation  by any civil, judicial, or law enforcement authority anywhere, in any nation or jurisdiction. The ‘Catalyst’ organization  moreover did not contact us in any manner nor question anyone from  Moriel before posting this video clip. 
According to their website, ‘CATALYST’ has no religious beliefs, and represents persons of any religion or of any sexuality, yet declares ‘Jacob Prasch’ to be a pagan and a non-believer urging people to contact them with a possible view to suing him & Moriel. It has no pretense of being a Christian or Evangelical organization with its services being available to Hindus, Moslems, Buddhists, homosexuals, bi-sexuals, lesbians, trans-sexuals etc. as is their legal right , but such an organization has no legal investigating authority as a government agency, nor scriptural authority to rule that a professed Christian is a pagan.
Jacob Prasch receives no royalties from either his books or recorded materials, and all Moriel recorded material is freely available for download on-line, (unlike Studio Scotland , which contrary to our wishes  continues to commercially sell recorded material of Jacob Prasch). How Moriel or Jacob Prasch can   possibly profiteer from recoded material it gives away for free as is insinuated on the clip is not explained. 
Reading what is posted on social media is not ‘stalking’.  However Jacob Prasch is not even on Social Media or Facebook and charges that he “stalks” by such means (whatever that means) are impossible.
The BBC & UK Channel 4 both deny that expert commentators on documentaries are never paid, and the   ‘Daniel Connection’ was not a documentary format but a movie with a plot and paid secular actors. While  doing it free of charge  as an evangelistic endeavor, Jacob Prasch objected to what he did unpaid as an evangelistic effort being sold to Hollywood (Paramount – California Pictures) and to Communist China preventing it from being used evangelistically. He and we found this to be unprincipled.
The root of such hostility expressed towards Moriel & Jacob Prasch by Studio Scotland appears to be our objection to them selling filmed material of Jacob Prasch while they are promoting a ministry that denies God The Father as Creator, that the blood of Jesus is not an Eternal Covenant, and their posting an edited  video on GV 24/7 featuring  Jacob Prasch misrepresenting the context in support of this other ministry.
Moriel is in full legal compliance with all reporting requirements as a USA non-profit organization and as a UK registered charity. The giving away of our recorded material free of cost is encouraged and book prices are largely set by Amazon with the author , Jacob Prasch, donating all royalties to The Lord’s work.
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