Prayer Request – Brother Warren Smith May 23, 2017

Moriel & Jacob Prasch request urgent prayer for Brother Warren Smith who suffered a coronary and is requiring a surgical procedure. Please pray for his healing and for God’s wisdom to guide his physicians. Warren is an essential voice in addressing New Age toxin infiltrating the Western Church and we ask The Lord for a speedy recovery.

On a personal & family note, we also ask serious prayer for Ashlyn, the niece if Jacob Prasch who was born with Turners Syndrome (a fairly rare genetic disorder) . Her condition has become very problematic with periodic non-epileptic convulsions resulting in black outs and extreme disorientation. Ashlyn is a saved believer and we believe there is an element of demonic attack involved in her illness. The physical toll and emotional toll on her mother  (Jacob’s sister who is also a believer) has been very difficult as Ashlyn requires monitoring 24/7 and is repeatedly taken to hospital which complicates an already stressful situation as Ashlyn’s father is disabled. Prayer is much needed and appreciated.


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