by James Jacob Prasch Rome Then and Now There are a number of acutely interesting features to the Epistle to the Romans, one of which is that Paul wrote it […]
by James Jacob Prasch Moriel has long urged the Body of Christ to rediscover the Hebrew root of its faith for four reasons. The first is that the destiny of […]
by James Jacob Prasch But the prophet who shall speak a word presumptuously in my Name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or which he shall speak in […]
by James Jacob Prasch In an age where pop psychology is masquerading as biblical doctrine things can become very confusing. Today we hear so much about things being a mixture […]
By James Jacob Prasch The Return of Elijah’s Ministry We”re looking at the “Day of the Lord”. Now, in Hebrew the day of the Lord is not called “the Day […]