by James Jacob Prasch Introduction The word for “Christmas” in Hebrew is “Hag Ha nolod” – literally “The Festival of the Birth”. It says in Romans 14:4 not to judge […]
Introduction Many Christians are, of course, asking for a biblical perspective regarding the current events in Iraq. What should a Christian response be? This has become further complicated by the […]
Types of Calvinism Then we have a more moderate form of Calvinism to the left of Wesleyan Arminianism known as €œFour-Point Calvinism”, and then beyond that is a €œFive-Point Calvinism” […]
Look, please, to the book of Proverbs chapter 24:13. We must always interpret Scripture in light of other Scripture. This is what we read: “My son, eat honey, for it […]
Issue of Tolerance Another difference between Hinduism and Christianity is the tolerance towards the views of other religions. A Protestant would only be a good Protestant by following the tenants […]
By James Jacob Prasch Introduction Some people try to tell us that signs and wonders and miracles will cause the unsaved to believe. At Passover in Jesus’ time, famous rabbis […]
By James Jacob Prasch Introduction One thing that distresses me, along with every other Jewish mission or evangelist to the Jews, is this: there are so many Christians who love […]
by James Jacob Prasch And gathering them together, He commanded them not to leave Jerusalem, but to wait for what the Father had promised, “Which,” He said, “You heard of […]
by James Jacob Prasch In an age where pop psychology is masquerading as biblical doctrine things can become very confusing. Today we hear so much about things being a mixture […]
Issue of Denial of Sin, Salvation and Hell Since individuality is illusion for the Hindu, so is free will. If free will is illusion, so is sin. And if […]